Quip is now available in Deutsch, Français, Español, Italiano and 中文(简体)
We are excited to announce that Quip is now available in German, French, Spanish, Italian, and simplified Chinese.
You can start using these new interface languages immediately on the web at https://quip.com/. To get the new languages on your iPhone or iPad, you'll need to upgrade the app to version 1.2 in the App Store.
We'll automatically match Quip's interface to your phone or your computer's language. If you want to select a language manually, you can do so from the “Edit Profile” dialog on your Desktop:
These languages are some of the most popular ones we've seen on Quip so far, but we’re just getting started. We’ve got plans for adding more languages and we’re continually working to improve the Quip experience worldwide.
Send us feedback and bug reports via the Quip Help Center.