Launch Communication Email Templates
These templates are designed by implementation experts to ensure successful launch communications as you implement Quip.
Coming Soon Messaging from Executive Sponsor
Pro Tip: Exec Sponsor to send at least 2-4 weeks before the launch date
Email Copy:
As part of our effort to transform and simplify the way we work, we are thrilled to announce that we’ll be introducing Quip to our organization!
Quip is packed with unique functionality you’ve likely never had in a document before. You can embed bidirectionally syncing Salesforce data, live and always up-to-date Salesforce reports, interactive polls, calendars, images, and project trackers directly into the Quip document. We will transform the way we work with our teams and we’re confident that this will allow us to reduce reliance on emails and meetings while driving faster decisions. <Insert value prop as to why the company is bringing Quip to the org> Watch this two-minute video to see Quip in action and start learning the basics. We are excited about what we have in store for you and more details to come in the upcoming weeks! Quip is our opportunity to reimagine how we work, and together, this will be an exciting journey for [COMPANY].
Pilot Group Launch Comms
Pro Tip: The Business Lead or Quip Implementation Owner should send this email so they can work directly with end users to gather feedback and iterate on the process/templates.
Email Copy: Hi <Name>,
You have been chosen to participate in our <insert use case> pilot program that will kick off on <insert date>. This will be a new process and tool we will be introducing to the larger <insert team name> Team in the coming weeks, but we would like to give you early access in exchange for your feedback. Quip is <insert value prop> and we are excited to hear what you think. Here is what will happen next:
<insert the steps to access Quip, i.e., go to and sign in using Salesforce>
Join the call on <insert date> so we can provide a demo of how this will work and answer your questions
Create a <insert use case document> and fill it out (don’t worry, you’ll learn more about what this is soon!)
Provide feedback!
End User Launch Comms
Pro Tip: Have a Team Lead or someone from your executive team send this email to help increase adoption.
Email Copy: Hi Everyone,
We’re excited to announce that <insert company name> is introducing Quip for <insert use case>. This move is going to reduce our reliance on internal emails and <insert your other methods of work, i.e., PowerPoint presentations> while helping us improve real-time collaboration and communication. Quip is packed with unique functionality you’ve likely never had in a document before. You can embed bidirectionally syncing Salesforce data, live and always up-to-date Salesforce reports, interactive polls, calendars, images, and project trackers directly into the Quip document. Watch this two-minute video to see Quip in action.
We will be hosting a Quip training on <insert training date>. Make sure to please attend and we’ll also be recording the session to circulate after!
<Insert any actions you’d like to end users to take before the training session>
Post Training Comms
Pro Tip: Send this email within 24 hours of your scheduled training date/time.
Email Copy: Hi Everyone,
Thank you so much for joining our training session yesterday! Hopefully, you have all started to tap into the power of Quip by logging in. If you haven’t logged in yet, please get started with the following:
Login using your corporate credentials at: <company.quip.com>
Download the desktop and mobile app to use Quip on your phone and while offline
If you missed our recent training, you can watch the recording here <insert training recording>. You can also read through these additional resources to help get up to speed.
<insert any custom training or knowledge materials>
If you have questions or feedback, please make sure to add them here. <insert destination link for where you are collecting feedback or where users should direct questions>.
Reminder/Check-in Comms with Quip Tips
Email Copy:
Pro Tip: Have a Team Lead or someone from your executive team send this email to help increase adoption.
Hi <Name>,
We are about two weeks in since the launch of <insert use case> in Quip and wanted to check-in. Have you <insert CTA, i.e., created your account plans for your key accounts and shared with your manager?> The deadline to do so is <insert date>. We want everyone collaborating in Quip to <insert value prop of Quip to your org, i.e., close deals faster>.
If you missed our recent training, you can watch the recording here <insert training recording>. You can also read through these additional resources to help get up to speed.
<insert any custom training or knowledge materials>
Watch this two-minute video to get comfortable with the basics
<Encourage end users to dive into Quip’s Scavenger Hunt>
If you have questions or feedback, please make sure to add them here. <insert destination link for where you are collecting feedback (Quip <insert use case name> Feedback [TEMPLATE]) or where users should direct questions (Quip Questions & Support [TEMPLATE])>.