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Version: 1.x.x

Specifying the Size of Your App

Your app must choose one of three sizing_mode options, specified in the app manifest. These modes help your app behave well across many different documents and devices.

The options for sizing_mode are:

  • fill_container sets the app's width to fill the container, and adjusts height based on contents.
  • fit_content adjusts the app's width and height based on its contents, scrolling horizontally if needed.
  • scale sets an initial width, then shrinks proportionately when narrower.
    • Call quip.apps.enableResizing() during initialization to allow the user to dynamically scale the app (and quip.apps.disableResizing() to turn it off).

Your app manifest must also specify initial_height (and initial_width if not using fill_container) to determine the placeholder size when new instances of your app are created.

Additional options (see API reference for details)

  • fill_container_max_width sets a max width rather than always filling the container.
  • allow_tiny_size allows your app to have a very small width or height.