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Version: 1.x.x

Storing User Preferences

Most of your app's data will be stored in Records tied to specific app instances. But sometimes, you may need to store data associated with a user that is shared across different instances of your app.

User preferences allow your app to store user-specific data for the viewing user, accessible to your app only. All preference keys and values must be strings.

Save a preference:

var prefs = quip.apps.getUserPreferences();{favoriteDog: "Leo", favoriteArtist: "Carly Rae Jepsen");{favoriteColor: "teal"});

Only keys included in the prefs dictionary are modified โ€” all other keys are preserved unless they are explicitly set to undefined.

Read a specific preference, then clear it:

var prefs = quip.apps.getUserPreferences();
var color = prefs.getForKey("favoriteColor");{favoriteColor: undefined});

Read all preferences, then clear all:

var prefs = quip.apps.getUserPreferences();
var all = prefs.getAll();
var faveArtist = all.favoriteArtist;

See Preferences for a full description of the APIs.